HFASt MASc Students Win Best Oral Presentation Award at IUW 2017

Co-Presenters Suzan Ayas (IndE MASc 1T9) and Nazli E. Kaya (IndE MASc 1T9) from won Best Oral Presentation award at 18th Annual Human Factors Engineering Inter-University Workshop at University at Buffalo on November 11, 2017. They presented their work titled “Driver Attention Allocation during Right Turns at Signal-Controlled Intersections”, which uses data collected in the on-road instrumented vehicle study conducted by fellow lab member Canmanie Teresa Ponnambalam.

Undergrad Students Win Best Presentation and Video at UnERD 2017


Xiaonian (Sean) He (IndE BASc 1T9), Kaiyang (Bond) Chen (IndE BASc 1T9), and Tianshu (Tina) Shen (IndE BASc 1T9) placed first in the video competition at Undergraduate Engineering Research Day (UnERD) 2017 at the University of Toronto. Their video described the Anticipatory Driving Behaviour research conducted by Dengbo He and Professor Birsen Donmez.

Ryan Cheng (IndE BASc 1T9) placed first in the presentation session at UnERD for his research on the “Accuracy of lane position data collection in urban conditions”. He also placed second in the video competition. His research was supervised by Canmanie Teresa Ponnambalam and Professor Birsen Donmez.

All undergraduate students, pictured above, were summer research students at the Human Factors and Applied Statistics Lab through grants from NSERC and the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. The video submissions from the competition can be found below.