Author: Suzan Ayas
Kanaan, D., Donmez, B., Kelley-Baker, T., Popkin, S., Lehrer, A., & Fisher D. L. (in press). Driver fitness in the resumption of control. In D. L. Fisher, W. J. Horrey, J. D. Lee, & M. A. Regan (Eds.), Handbook of Human Factors for Automated, Connected, and Intelligent Vehicles. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., pp. xx-xx.
He, D., Risteska, M., Donmez, B., & Chen, K. (in press). Driver cognitive load classification based on physiological data. In P. Eslambolchilar, A. Komninos, & M. Dunlop (Eds.), Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Interactive Systems Developers. Association of Computing Machinery, New York, pp. xx-xx.
Fröhlich, P., Walker, B., Donmez, B., & Riener, A. (2019). Special issue on recent advances in automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications research: Part 1 – novel interaction approaches. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 11(2), 1-3.
Donmez, B.*, Merrikhpour, M., & Hoseinzadeh Nooshabadi, M. (2019). Mitigating teen driver distraction: In-vehicle feedback based on peer social norms. Human Factors.
Students Win Best Poster Awards at MIE Research Symposium 2019
Chelsea DeGuzman and Suzan Ayas won the Best Poster Award at the 10th Annual MIE Graduate Research Symposium, University of Toronto on June 26th, 2019.
Their posters “The Effect of Automation Failure Predictability on Drivers’ Take-over Performance and Monitoring Behaviour” and “Understanding and Mitigating Operating Room (OR) Distractions: Preliminary Findings on Door Activity” were both chosen the best posters in the Human Factors/Ergonomics research area.