Merrikhpour, M., Donmez, B., & Battista, V. (2014). A field operational trial evaluating a feedback-reward system on speeding and tailgating behaviors. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 27, 56-68. Posted on November 1, 2014June 21, 2017 by Birsen Donmez
Merrikhpour, M. (2013). Effects of a feedback-reward system on speeding and tailgating behaviours (MASc Thesis). University of Toronto. Posted on June 6, 2013June 21, 2017 by Birsen Donmez
Merrikhpour, M., Donmez, B., & Battista, V. (2012). Effects of a feedback/reward system on headway maintenance. In Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Banff, AB. Posted on June 10, 2012June 21, 2017 by Birsen Donmez
Merrikhpour, M., Donmez, B., & Battista, V. (2012). Effects of a feedback/reward system on speed compliance rates and the degree of speeding during noncompliance. In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C Posted on January 1, 2012June 21, 2017 by Birsen Donmez