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Kanaan, D., Donmez, B., Kelley-Baker, T., Popkin, S., Lehrer, A., & Fisher D. L. (in press). Driver fitness in the resumption of control. In D. L. Fisher, W. J. Horrey, J. D. Lee, & M. A. Regan (Eds.), Handbook of Human Factors for Automated, Connected, and Intelligent Vehicles. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., pp. xx-xx.
He, D., Risteska, M., Donmez, B., & Chen, K. (in press). Driver cognitive load classification based on physiological data. In P. Eslambolchilar, A. Komninos, & M. Dunlop (Eds.), Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Interactive Systems Developers. Association of Computing Machinery, New York, pp. xx-xx.
Kanaan, D., Ayas, S., Donmez, B., Risteska, M., & Chakraborty, J. (2019). Using naturalistic vehicle-based data to predict distraction and environmental demand. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 11(3), 59-70.